Are you currently working or wanting to advance within your organization or your chosen field?

If so, this is the place for you. This robust module contains dozens of articles, tips, and resources as well as online seminars and “Skill Builder” training modules to assist you in managing your work life and in reaching your career goals.

  • You can take self assessments such as “Career Motivation,” “Goal Setting,” and “Conflict Management.”
  • Read articles on balancing work, family and care giving, Dealing with Difficult People, Surviving Office Politics, Eliminating Wasted Time, Delegating, Developing Assertiveness, and And Becoming a More Effective Communicator.
  • Online seminars include topics like social networking, dealing with bullying and hostility in the workplace.
  • You can develop your leadership skills, learn to manage projects, and improve business etiquette, conversation and email skills with individual training modules.
  • Are you looking for work or thinking of changing jobs or careers? There are several articles on Resume Writing, Job Search and Interviewing Tips, including specific resources for first time job seekers, older workers and those interested in non-traditional career options. Additionally, this module contains material on diversity, workplace productivity and safety.